
Heavenly - Jennifer Laurens Zoe's life has been difficult ever since her little sister, Abria was diagnosed with Autism. Zoe tries to avoid her little sister but helps out when absolutely necessary--or if she got paid for it. When Abria runs away like usual under Zoe's watch she starts to freak out a bit. Until, of course, a man holding Abria appears out of nowhere and gives her such a penetrating stare that Zoe immediately feels at ease. Even though she doesn't know why. Matthias.

Going home to the unpredictable rants of Abria and their brother Luke's addiction, Zoe doesn't have an outlet for all the baggage that she carries at home except escaping to the horrendous parties that in the end make her feel pitiful. When things start to get even more out of control, Matthias, Abria's guardian angel begins to make more and more appearances. Through emotional roller coaster rides, we as readers, get a view of the inside life of familial instability, with the lessening pressure of a bit of a fantasy rush.

Reading Jennifer Laurens fourth novel, I had some expectations ready to be met once I had read one of the books under her alias JM Warwick, A Season of Eden. A Season of Eden was an incredible read about forbidden love, and as I read the summary of this book, I thought the same. However, from the very beginning I got the impression that this was going to be completely different and Laurens' didn't disappoint. Zoe's constant frustrations seemed so real and palpable, I believed I was going to start spewing off in anger myself. Filled with multiple high points in the plot, Heavenly was a jab-packed page-turner that had me opposing the necessity of sleep.While it had its slight rough edges like many books that take on many event plays in their plots, Laurens' had skillful twists and turns that made Heavenly a fantastic, sentimental read.

My favorite character in the entire novel had to be Chase, the intelligent big-eyed geek, that shared Zoe's gift in seeing guardian angels. It seemed like he was the bit of stability Zoe could use in a sea messed with partying. Him and Matthias of course. Zoe and Matthias' romance connection starts off with penetrating gazes and soulful smiles, that soon bloom off into something more titillating.

Recommended to all, not only YA, for a romantic read that leaves you aching with a want unquenchable.

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